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Name:Madelyne Jennifer Pryor-Summers
Aliases:Red Queen, Goblin Queen
Species:Cloned Human
Occupation:Former housewife, airplane pilot, would-be conqueror
Education:Programming and tutoring by Mr. Sinister
Sex:F Height:5' 6" (6'7" as Anodyne)
Weight:110 lbs (50 kg) (230 lbs as Anodyne)
Eye color:Green
Hair color:Red
Madelyne always bore a striking resemblance to the (then) presumed deceased Jean Grey. Numerous individuals mistook her for Jean reborn.To make matters more suspicious, Madelyne's mind was closed to Professor X and she was the sole survivor of a mysterious plane crash, which occurred at the exact moment the Dark Phoenix committed suicide on the Moon, or so she thought.
In reality, she was a clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister. Mr. Sinister found that a union between the X-Men, Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), would produce a powerful mutant. Sinister hoped he could control such a mutant and use it to defeat Apocalypse.
At the time, Jean, actually the Phoenix, was acting reckless, so Sinister created a clone of her. Sinister's plot was to produce a child from the union of Madelyne and Scott, whom he believed would become a genetically superior mutant. To Sinister's disappointment, Madelyne had no life and did not develop any mutant abilities at puberty as he had hoped. Sinister left Madelyne in her incubation tube as a failed experiment.
It was at the moment of the Dark Phoenix's death that a spark of the Phoenix Force was accidentally bestowed on Madelyne's body and renewed Sinister's interest.After Dark Phoenix died on the moon, the Phoenix sought to return the "borrowed" portion of Jean's soul to her body which was in suspended animation. Jean instinctively rejected the Phoenix and it wandered the globe, lost. Eventually, it became attracted to Madelyne, since she was an exact genetic clone of Jean. The Phoenix Force searched for the next best thing, giving a spark of itself to Madelyne, granting her a life force and some of Jean's memories.
Later on she gets married to Scott Summers but Scott returned to the X-Men after learning that Magneto joined. While he went on missions, Madelyne was left at the mansion.During their time away, their marriage became strained and Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean. Madelyne was also upset at the fact that Scott only married her because of her resemblance to Jean and that he only left to be with her and the baby because he lost in his bid to run the X-Men. Scott became very distant, even leaving Madelyne in the middle of the night. When the real Jean Grey was revealed alive, Scott abandoned Madelyne and baby Christopher to be with Jean and help found X-Factor in New York, despite her threats of him not being welcome back. Madelyne was heart-broken that Scott had left their family.
Maddie was hired to fly a cargo to San Francisco for a large sum of money and, at the last minute, decided to take Christopher with her. Mister Sinister, reacting quickly to Jean's return, aimed to eliminate Madelyne before the truth of her creation was revealed, and sent his Marauders to kill her and kidnap her son. Maddie used her latent psychic powers to defend herself, but lost baby Christopher to her enemies. Maddie was shot multiple times and left for dead, then taken to a hospital in San Francisco, as a “Jane Doe“. Though the doctors thought she was a hopeless case, Madelyne pulled through and awoke months later from a coma after having dreams of surviving a plane crash and the flamebird of the Phoenix.
Upon waking, Maddie called the X-Men and was confused why Scott left her and took the baby. When the Marauders returned to finish the job, the X-Men were present and protected her. Madelyne felt abandoned by Scott, just as Alex Summers (Scott's brother) did, due to his lover Polaris being controlled by the MarauderMalice. The two comforted each other.
In Dallas, Texas the X-Men battled the Adversary and gave their lives to imprison the Adversary. Forge required the essences of nine souls to seal the portal and, with only eight X-Men present at the time, Madelyne agreed to be the missing piece and the group was transformed into pure energy. The entire incident was recorded by a news crew, providing Madelyne with the chance to tell Scott she loved him and to find their missing son. However, the Omniversal Guardian, named Roma, restored the X-Men to life. After being resurrected, the X-Men and Madelyne decided to use the opportunity to go underground and keep their rebirth secret.
After the defeat of N'Astirh, the Goblin Queen captured Jean and another battle was instigated between the X-Men and X-Factor. Dazzler and Longshot were influenced the most, being told that they were stars in the center stage and ordered to attack Death. Death was delivered to the Goblin Queen, where she began to corrupt him as well kissing him and connecting their pasts of being used by Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister. The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan and the other nine mutant babies atop the Empire State Building to finish N'Astirh's work and permanently open a gateway between Earth and Limbo, to spite Scott. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Jean inside a psionic barrier, where she explained her origins as Jean's clone. Both X-Factor and the X-Men's combined efforts seemed to be futile in an effort to break through the telekinetic bubble. Pryor-Summers and Grey fought one-on-one, with Madelyne unleashing a psionic force, intending to destroy both herself and her opponents. X-Factor and the X-Men protected each other and Madelyne was the only one affected, but, as she lay dying, she pulled Jean into her mind to die with her. Jean would have succumbed, were it not for the Phoenix leaving Madelyne at that time and returning to Jean. Jean was able to resist and, as Madelyne died, Jean recovered the part of her soul the Phoenix Force had mistakenly given to Madelyne.
Years past, in which Scott and Jean married and her son Nathan traveled to and from the future and became the man called Cable.
Later the powerful Nate Grey traveled to this world from Earth-295. His mind looked for a companion, and discovered the spirit of Madelyne Pryor on the astral plane. X-Man subconsciously gave the echo of Madelyne's psyche a new form. Madelyne remembered very little of her past. In Paris, she was lured away from Nate by Selene, who slowly took her to New York and met with Sebastian Shaw, suggesting a revival of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Selene presented Madelyne as Black Rook. She proved her value by winning a battle against the London Club's Red Rook Scribe, pulling the parasitic mutant Mountjoy out of the woman‘s body.
One night, Tessa attempted to probe Madelyne's mind, but was discovered. Madelyne angrily defeated Tessa and proved to be telepathic too, making Tessa forget the incident. Madelyne's memory was fully restored at last. She searched for Nate Grey but met Threnody instead, who revealed to her that even though she was walking around and breathing, she was actually still dead. Angered, she murdered Threnody.
Powers:Since Madelyne was cloned from Jean Grey's DNA, she was essentially another version of Jean, and possessed Jean's telekinetic and telepathic abilities, although they manifested far later. It is unclear whether she inherited her template's full Omega-level potential although Sinister's use of her clones as a means of containing the Phoenix force suggests that she was of a similar caliber.
Telekinesis: was massive enough that Madelyne could move, lift, and manipulate fairly large objects, channel her telekinetic powers to fire powerful, mental, concussive blasts, focus her psionic energy into a near-impenetrable force field, and levitate herself in order to fly at fairly high speeds. On a few occasions, she could make images in her mind become tangible.
Telepathy: Can read and manipulate the minds of others and even higher order animals within a vast, potentially limitless, radius. Her notable powers include:
Telepathic Cloak: Can mask her presence from being detected by others. Her abilities can, at times, go undetected or be counteracted by ,more powerful, telepaths depending on their level of skill in using their own psi abilities. She can : these defenses to others around her as well.
Psionic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of others minds.
Telepathic Camouflage: Ability to mask herself, and other peoples' presence from those around her. Can telepathically disguise herself, making her appearance to those around her quite different (changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more involved disguising).
Mind Control: Ability to control the minds of others upon mere concentration.
Mind Possession: Ability to possess the mind of another, and use that beings body as her own.
Mind Alteration: Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will, changing their personality partially or entirely.
Telepathic Illusions: Ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
Mental Paralysis: Ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
Mental Amnesia: Can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and turning someone brain-dead.
Mind Transferal: Able to transfer both her mind and powers into other host bodies if her own physical body could be somehow killed.
Mental Detection: Can sense the presence of another superhuman mutant within a small but as yet undefined radius of himself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Induce Pain: Can also induce mental pain merely by touching the brow of her victim.
Astral Projection: Can project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane, she can travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.
Astral Teleportation: Teleport over long distances by psychokinetically shunting herself in and out of the astral plane (she was also shown to be able to carry additional weight, such as another person, when she teleported, but her limits were never fully tested).
Psionic Siphoning: able to siphon the psychic energies from other psionic mutants. She could then use the stolen psychic energy to boost her own powers or channel the energy into someone else, usuallyNate Grey, to temporarily increase their psionic abilities.
Psychic Vampirism: Though it is not confirmed in the pages of X-Man it is strongly hinted that Madelyne either learned new powers from Selene or stole some of her powers. The ability to teleport, and the ability to drain mutants energies were both examples of Selene's influence. This was further hinted at in X-Man #52 when she was shown to be aged and withered after over-exerting her powers much like Selene.
Phoenix spark: After her reconstitution as a psychic being, Pryor was apparently still connected to the Phoenix Force. It was strongly hinted in X-Man #33 that Madelyne is indeed a living spark of the Phoenix which explains why Nate was able to psionically recreate her, though she is in truth only a living mass of psionic energy.
Sorcery: Madelyne possesses the ability to cast a wide variety of simple and complex spells. Her sorcery might is such that she has been shown to heal wounds, locate spirits interdimensionally, and work in conjunction with science to restore life to the long dead.
Reality Warping: ability to bend the quantum strings that make up reality within a localized area.
Goblin Force: ability to tap into dark sorcery allowing her to summon various goblins, demons and other entities.
Healing: ability to heal others (as Anodyne).
Dark Psyche: ability to release the dark side of a person's personality, and make them evil.
Strength level:Madelyne Pryor possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.
Madelyne was a highly skilled pilot, had a natural affinity for computers and technology, and was experienced in childcare.
Alternate name:Android 21
Cell is the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero, designed to possess all the abilities of the greatest fighters to have ever inhabited or visited Earth; the result is a "perfect warrior", possessing numerous favorable genetic traits and special abilities.
Cell has as an original personality with various other characters' personalities added in; the computer redesigned the weak parts of the original personality, adding in the personalities of various different characters to make him the perfect weapon.Throughout the Androids Arc, Cell's personality changes drastically with each transformation. At first, Cell's desire to complete his evolution by absorbing both Android 17 and Android 18 is what fuels him. Upon reaching his final form, his eagerness to test the limits of his new found power is what defines his character. Cell is unique among most villains of the series in that he is quite sophisticated. Because of his genetic composition from other warriors, he is able to psychologically manipulate those warriors and exploit their weaknesses to his advantage.
Cell is composed of cells from Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza,King Cold, and according to the manga title page, a number of other lifeforms (in the FUNimation dub, it is also stated that he has cells from Krillin, Gohan, Nappa, and Tien Shinhan). He also possesses the information on Nappa, Raditz, Gohan, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, and Future Trunks which were collected by Dr. Gero's remote tracking device and stocked in the Super Computer.
"Power Weighted Perfect Cell" is a transformation of Perfect Cell that is Cell's equivalent to the 3rd Grade Super Saiyan form.In this state Cell is stronger than he was in his Perfect form, but his speed decreases drastically. Despite rarely accessing this form due to its obvious impairments, his buff stage is considered second only to Cell's Super Perfect form.
Semi-Perfect Cell's Self-destruction form:
is a transformation that Cell takes out of desperation in order to kill the Z Fighters along with the Earth.He also claimed that his bloated appearance was unstable, that a single touch may set him off when dissuading Gohan from trying to stop him.He bloats up like a balloon and tries to blow himself up in an attempt to destroy the Earth, knowing he is well outmatched.
Super Perfect Cell: is a version of Cell's perfect form after he receives a Zenkai from his recovery after a botched self-destruction that takes the lives of Goku, King Kai, Bubbles and Gregory. Despite Cell's loss of Android 18 (and after he self-destructs, Android 17), his cells retain the memory of his Perfect Form, which makes it possible for him to regenerate back into that form.
Cell has acid inside his body that is shown when he regenerates his tail while in his first form after Android 16 removed it. He has the ability to revert his form (demonstrated when he reverts to an egg and potentially by his evolving body). It is likely that Cell's asexual reproductive capability in spawning the Cell Juniors is taken from Piccolo's Namekian physiology. In Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, the Capsule Corporation database describes the Cell Juniors as being created through cellular mitosis.
Along with Piccolo's regeneration, he has Frieza's ability to survive any injury; after Cell achieves his Super Perfect Form due to his brush with death when he self-destructs, he explains in the original English dub of the anime that this is because each individual cell in his body has a life-force of their own.And like Frieza he can survive in the vacuum of space and even underwater this is because like Frieza he does not need air to live. In the manga, Japanese dub of the original anime, and both versions of Dragon Ball Kai, Cell explains that, like Piccolo, he has a regenerative nucleus in his head; as long as that survives, so does he.
Power up – The ability to increase and suppress his power level.
Ki Sense – The ability to sense others' power levels.
Bear Hug – A torture hold used against Piccolo and Gohan, in Imperfect and Perfect forms respectively.
Absorption – Cell has two methods of absorption, both using his tail: he can absorb other beings' energy in order to gain all of the strength of the person (Drain Life Cell), or absorb other beings whole into his body in order to transform. In the second method of absorption, made for people who he wants every bit of strength from, Cell opens up the pointy end of his stinger and it becomes a shape of a wide funnel, Cell brings the "mouth" of the funnel down on the person, and then they will be sucked through Cell's tail into his body, with the person held unconscious in Cell's body. This method is made for Android 17 and 18, who, due to their powers not being organic, or possibly due their ability to dodge Cell's stinger, they have to be absorbed whole. Even though Cell's tail retracts after becoming Perfect Cell, it is shown that Cell can still bring his stinger out and absorb other people using this technique. The tail can also be used for strangulation, which he uses on the Future Trunks from his timeline and on Android 16 in the present timeline, or to give birth to the Cell Juniors. Cell's absorption through his tail is named Android Absorption (when used on Android 17)
Drain Life Cell – Cell stabs the person with the sharp end of his tail, the tail will then suck up all of the organic matter of the victim, draining the person's life force and only leaving the clothing behind.
Zenkai – From his Saiyan cells, Cell has the ability to become more powerful after recovering from severe injuries in other words near death experiences. He also takes on many personality traits that are true to Saiyans, like the desire to fight and test his power. Even though Cell is not categorized as a Super Saiyan, his aura perfectly mimics that of a Super Saiyan; this is connected to his Saiyan heritage. This ability, combined with his regeneration power, makes him near invincible, and can only be defeated if his entire body (right down to the cell) is completely destroyed, otherwise he will just come back, stronger than ever.
Flight – The ability to fly, taken from any of the cell samples.
Telekinesis – Cell can lift objects of large proportionate sizes into the air with his mind and controlling the use of his hand(s). Likely taken from Frieza.
Explosive Wave – Used to attack people in a city in his timeline, as seen in a flashback in the episode "Ghosts from Tomorrow". He uses a variation of this technique, called Perfect Barrier, in his Perfect form.
Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
Kamehameha – A blue-colored, powerful ki wave attack and trademark technique of the Dragon Ball series. Inherited from Goku. Also used when in his Cellin form.
Regeneration – The Namekian ability to regenerate damage to the body; taken from Piccolo. From the manga and original Japanese dub, Cell can regenerate only if the core inside his head is not damaged, though the English dub of anime re-defines this so that he can regenerate provided even a single cell remains, making up for the contradiction in the manga of Cell having his head blown off by Goku's Instant Transmission Kamehameha.
Solar Flare – An extremely bright light which can temporarily blind opponents in near proximity. Inherited from Tien.
Afterimage Strike – The ability to move extremely fast over short distances, leaving an image behind. Taken from Goku, never used in the manga.
Special Beam Cannon – An energy beam that can drill through opponents. Taken from Piccolo. Only used in anime-filler and video games.
Kiai – "Kiai Cannon" or "Ki Blast Cannon" It is a very powerful, white-clear force that emits from the user's body and inflicts severe damage to the surrounding area. Alternatively, this force can be used to dispel weaker attacks.
Negative Power Rain - is a Continuous Energy Bullet attack used by Cell.
Energy Field – A protective barrier used notably used Semi-Perfect Cell in order to completely absorb Android 18 without interference.
Eye Lasers - are precise laser-like beams shot from both eyes.
Big Bang Attack - fires a powerful energy sphere at the opponent.This attack creates an enormous explosion upon contact and leaves a huge mushroom cloud. The attack's name and state is also reminiscent of the Big Bang Theory.
Galick Gun – A purple-colored, powerful energy blast taken from Vegeta.To utilize it, cell curls his fingers and places both his hands together at chest level facing the same direction (so that the palm of one hand is on the back of the other). Then, once enough ki is gathered, he thrusts both hands forward to fire a powerful blast of energy. The result is a powerful, huge, fuchsia-colored ki beam that emanates from his hands and body. It is capable of destroying large planets if enough power is put into it.
Mouth Energy Waves - a large amount of energy coming from the mouth.
Unforgivable! – Like all other Androids, Cell can initiate a self-destruction. Cell, however, has a special technique to do so rather than just using a device. When Cell uses this technique, he swells up like a giant balloon and begins a 1 minute countdown which, when it ends, causes him to explode with enough power to engulf an entire planet. Should he be attacked before the countdown ends, he will explode instantly. Once activated, this technique cannot be stopped, even by himself.
Chain Destructo Disk - is a rapid-fire variation of the Destructo Disk used by Krillin.Cell can charges a first Destructo Disk, and then he throws in rapid succession a series of disks which have the ability to cut the opponent apart.Another variation of the move sees Krillin throwing a single Destructo Disk that splits into numerous smaller disks that attack the opponent from all directions.Cell could of course probably do that as well.
Vocal Mimicry and Amplification – Semi-Perfect Cell displayed the ability to mimic Android 17's voice and amplify his own so it could be heard for miles.
Perfect Barrier – An impenetrable shield Cell places around himself to protect him from attacks, as seen when he transforms between his Semi-Perfect and Perfect forms after absorbing Android 18. It was most likely taken from Android 17 after Cell absorbed him, though his special barrier could be a technique programmed directly by Dr. Gero. It can also cause damage to anyone unfortunate enough to collide with it.
Death Beam – A laser-like projectile which travels very quickly. Taken from Frieza.
Barrage Death Beam – A rapid-fire version of the Death Beam. Cell uses it against Gohan.
Full Power Death Beam – A full powered version of the Death Beam, with a much bigger radius. He uses this attack to kill Future Trunks.
Instant Transmission – The ability to instantly teleport virtually anywhere (by homing in on a ki signature). Taken from Goku after Cell's self-destruction.
Super Kamehameha – An upgraded version of the Kamehameha.
Earth-Destroying Kamehameha – A much more powerful version of the Super Kamehameha. Used in a desperate attempt to destroy the Earth against Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.
Solar Kamehameha – Super Perfect Cell's Ultimate and Final attack. Cell stores a massive amount of energy and fires it in the form of a giant Kamehameha that, which he states himself, has enough power to destroy the entire solar system. It was created and used by Super Perfect Cellas a final bid to destroy Gohan, but was countered by the Father-Son Kamehameha.
Spirit Bomb – Cell never uses the Spirit Bomb in the manga or anime series, though he states that he can use it if he wished.
Destructo Disk – An energy disk that can cut through an opponent. Taken from Krillin, never used in the manga.
Death Saucer – A variant of the Destructo Disk, this energy disk can be controlled by the creator to change direction.
Multi-Form – Used by Cell during the fight with Goku in the anime only, this technique is one of Tien's. The technique creates three fighting copies of the user with 1/4th of the user's power.
Tri-Beam – A blast of rectangle shaped energy. Taken from Tien.
Supernova – Cell is capable of using the Death Ball technique.The user raises his hand or finger and gathers their energy in the form of a giant yellow-orange,sun-looking energy sphere. Once it is ready, the user launches the attack against the target. Like the normal Death Ball, it is mostly used to destroy planets, or as a last ditch-effort to kill an enemy.