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Thanos With The Heart Of The universe
Main Reasons:Wields the Heart of the Universe,The heart of the universe supposedly has a portion of Gods power God being the One Above All,Thanos was also able to Defeat Eternity,The Celestials,Lord Chaos,Master Order,The Stranger,Galactus,Zeus,and even The Living Tribunal he was able to fight them all at once and win and beforehand he fought a bunch of super heros which even included The Hulk,Thor,Iron-Man,scarlet witch,Hercules,Silver Surfer,Gladiator,Wolverine,Spider-man,and many more,Thanos is also able to defy the rules of logic,this is seen when he goes more than 2,000 years back into the past to win the celestial race,with Thanos destroying the celestial order it creates a paradox,since,if the celestials never came to be,then Akenaten would of never been given the Heart's power thus Thanos would of never stolen the Heart's power to begin with,altering the future,yet he still had the Heart of the universe's power,meaning he could defy logic and timelines.
Main Reasons:Had a portion of the heart of the universe's powerAkhenaten was taught of the Heart of the Universe, a powerful cosmic artifact that would turn those who possessed it into a living god on par with the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe. His mind danced with insanity for nearly 2000 years as he struggled to understand the scope of the astral revelations showed to him by the Order. He spent one century to master the Heart's powers,Akhenaten killed the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers.Zeus and Thor called the Council of Godheads together, but Akhenaten destroyed them all when he detected Horus using the Eye of Ra to spy on him. Only Thor and Zeus managed to save themselves.
He is near-omnipotent cosmic power to manipulate energy, matter and reality, pierce dimensional barriers and superhuman senses.
He is ranked 3rd,since he was defeated by thanos,and is only near-omnipotent but even so to my understandings he had a portion of the heart of the universe which is a small portion of The One Above All's power I believe he can still defeat characters such as the living tribunal since the quality of his powers come from The One Above All making him 3rd in my list
The Great Evil Beast
Main Reasons:Supposedly God'sDarkside(God being The Presense),Omnipotence,
Invulnerability, Reality Warping,Shape Shifting, Matter Manipulation, Non-Corporeal,Defeated The Spectre with one finger
The great Evil Beast is 1st since I believe he is God's darkside
pre-retcon Beyonder
Main Reasons:As a result of being the entirety of a dimension of far more scope than our own multiverse, he was more powerful than all of the rest of reality (he was described in narration as having "millions" of time more power than all the power in our multiverse combined). He had the power to achieve whatever he pleased. The Beyonder was going to erase the multiverse entirely; he erased Death; he destroyed multiple galaxies; he defeated powerful beings like Galactus and a whole group of Celestials with ease; he was able to recreate the same things he erased; with a simple hand wave he shattered a dome the Molecule Man created to endure multiversal destruction; he easily survived a blast from the Molecule Man that could have slagged "several billion" dimensions; when he had a large portion of his power in the cup that was going to kill Death, he still had more power than the combined cosmic entities of our multiverse; when Mephisto created Beyonders bane using the Beyonder's own expended power plus all of the power in our multiverse, Mephisto still wasn't sure it was enough to destroy him; his battle with the Molecule Man affected every being on every planet on every dimension. Also, his power is supposedly omnipotence.
He is only ranked 4th since I do not think he is truly omnipotent since it is hinted that when he gave Death the drink that killed her he mentions that he did not have enough power to revive her back since he gave a huge portion of his power into that drink that killed her,although he did revive her later probably due to his powers regenerating and he might arguably not be as strong as Thanos or Akhenaten since they possess a portion of The One Above All's power God of the Marvel multiverse and possibly beyond.Akhenaten also did not lose his powers to Dr.Doom unlike the Beyonder Akhenaten out smartest Doom also it would appear that there are some beings beyonder cannot think out of existence Dr.Doom being one of them also I consider the end of pre-retcon beyonder after the first battle with molecule man according to a user called marvel man on this forum
AMAZO (animated version)
Main reasons:can copy anyones powers just by looking at them,but gets their weaknesses as well,but can eventually evolve and will no longer have those weaknesses,defeated the justice league (Superman,Hawkgirl,Wonder Woman,Green Lantern,Flash) except for batman since batman had kryptonite with him,but eventually AMAZO evolved and became immune to that weakness,thus likly he would of won later on but decided to spare them remarking that this world had nothing left for him,he also did not have the chance to fight the martian manhunter but its likly he would of defeated him as well.The creator of AMAZO even created a bomb in his head when AMAZO was first designed the bomb was a safety switch in case AMAZO would ever turn on his creator but even that could not stop him,able to regenerate from the explosion in his head.

(Amazo DCAU)during Amazo's travels through the universe, he evolved to a nigh-omnipotent state that could easily outmatch the whole expanded League. In his enhanced state, he has flight, super strength, invulnerability, vast energy manipulation, psionic powers like telepathy and telekinesis, super-hearing, can teleport himself across unknown distances, shrink into a subatomic universe, shunt entire planets to other dimensions and just as easily bring them back unharmed with a blink of an eye. Amazo could effortlessly break through a force field created from the combined power of a few dozen Green Lanterns.
All of these enhancements have made Amazo quite possibly the single most powerful being ever known in the DCAU.
Main Reasons:Necromancy,Dark Lightning: He has the ability to fire bolts of a force called dark lightning from his hands, powerful enough to hurt and even kill the Guardians of the Universe. Despite being immensely powerful, it is not unstoppable.Wonder Woman was able to block it with her bracelets, although the force still threw her across the room.Necrotic Empowerment: Nekron gains physical strength from the deaths he causes.Reanimation: As the Lord of the Unliving, Nekron can reanimate corpses into fully functioning zombies working entirely under his control, and retaining semblance of their past personality.Fatal Touch: The sustained touch of Nekron's hand can chill any mortal being to death, through supernatural means.Immortality: Since he is not alive in the sense that we understand it, Nekron is technically incapable of being killed. As such, defeating him is extremely difficult; if defeated he will simply return to the Land of the Unliving.
Nekron is the manifested form of pure darkness and empty space. He is claimed to be the empty space between atoms and the darkness that existed before light. As such he has vast if not limitless levels of power as he could severely wound the life entity and withstand the anti-monitor's power while banishing him back to the antimatter universe.
Link Required: For all his power, Nekron holds one great weakness: he cannot exist in this universe. In order to properly interact with the living, Nekron requires a link between New Earth and the Land of the Unliving, such as a tear in space-time, or a mortal link such as Black Hand.
Cyttorak (in his dimension)
Main Reasons:Cyttorak is possibly the single strongest magical being in all of the marvel universe. His power is so great that even Galactus, was helpless to free himself from the power of Cytorrak, who had imprisoned Galactus. He is the source of the powerful Juggernaut’s power and the elite magicians of the universe including Dr. Strange, and even Dormammu and Zom, invoke Cyttorak’s name to power their spells. Inside his own dimension, Cyttorak’s power is limitless.Juggurnut gets his power from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak which is only a small portion of Cyttorak's power yet with that power Juggurnut becomes as powerful or maybe even more powerful then The Hulk with just this small portion of power from Cyttorak The Juggurnut is a Thor-Class threat The Juggernaut is sometimes listed to possess virtually limitless superhuman strength, and other times simply as class 90 or 100. Using this strength he was able to knock out the Thing with three blows, Colossus, and even the Merged Hulk (through repeated surprise ambush tactics) and Thor. He proved strong enough to match the highly strong Prime in a fight, knocked out several mutants with a thunderclap,and even toppled the Stranger with one punch after he grew to about 50 feet tall. He was able to go toe to toe against an enraged World War Hulk.
We can assume that all the powers that Juggurnut has Cyttorak has but to a much greater degree such as but not limited to:Juggernaut's body generates no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him nigh limitless stamina in all physical activities.Invulnerability: With his force field active, Cain is virtually invulnerable to all forms of physical injury.Although Cain is able to be harmed by high levels of mental attack, mystical attacks or weapons with mystical properties. When The Juggernaut's force field was negated by Mjolnir, he was still durable enough to exchange blows with Thor.Regenerative Healing Factor: If damaged, Cain possesses a regenerative healing factor that enables him to completely regenerate with superhuman speed. For instance, he has been injured by Shatterstar's sword, and healed instantly.The demon being D'Spayre once flayed the Juggernaut down to a skeleton after draining him, and even then, the Juggernaut was able to regenerate all the damage done once he regained his full power.Self Sustenance: The Juggernaut is completely self sustained, he has no need to breathe, eat, or drink at all. He cannot tire, hence he cannot sleep, however his self generating mystical energies provide him with the nourishment of sleep, nutrition, hydration, and oxygen. He is sustained by his mystical energies alone. He once even kept talking and fighting after being reduced to a skeleton.
Immortality: Cain is immune to aging and has sometimes been depicted or implied to be unkillable under normal means.
Contaminant Immunity: The Juggernaut is also immune to all toxins, poisons, and disease.
Force-Field: The Juggernaut is capable of generating a personal force field around himself, which greatly enhances his physical durability, to the point that the field was even able to withstand Thor's god-force.
Irresistible Force Embodiment: Once he begins to advance in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to halt his movement.Some obstacles such as many tons of rocks and plasma-discharge cannons have slowed his pace but can't completely halt him. Thor's use of his god-force allowed him to stop Juggernaut in his tracks. During a battle with "War Hulk", the mutant Apocalypse increased the Hulk's strength by grafting Celestial tech to him, which allowed Hulk to increase his strength at will, thereby enabling him to stop the Juggernaut.
Dooms Day
Main Reasons:Survived Darkseid's omega beams and became and is resistant to it and defeated Darkseid Doomsday fights an army of infinite Gogs for a 100 years broke the Phantom Zone easily survives a blast equal to 1 million nuclear blasts and laughs killed over a million animals just by walking past them in less then 20 minutes a stronger older Doomsday was able to boil the ocean water around him and sand turned into black onyx beneath its feet and people within a hundred yards bursts into flames Unique Physiology:Even if Doomsday dies he returns to life and becomes almost immune to whatever killed him before his death Doomsday was created and evolved through cloning an infant and having it killed over and over again by one of the most dangerous places in the universe and in one of the harshest habitats in existence, prehistoric Krypton. As such, he returns to life every time he dies and becomes near invulnurable to what killed him before. His entire body is built as a defensive structure which continues to arm itself the more it is damaged. Was able to damage and make Superman bleed and even killed him (not at supermans best though, but later it is revealed that the Doomsday was not at his best either the Doomsday that killed superman was only in its larva stage)
Energy Resistance: Superman used a sound gun to paralyze Doomsday, but Doomsday's auditory canals closed making him impervious to the weapon. Waverider paralyzed Doomsday once with "chronal" energy, but the second attempt backlashes on him.
Accelerated Healing: He also has a highly accelerated healing factor that allows him to heal and regenerate from most damage almost instantly.
Power Replication: The monster can replicate and store the special abilities of any super-beings in his immediate proximity using "Absorption Cells".
Superhuman Strength: With his strength, Doomsday can easily overpower and kill humans and other aliens like Kryptonians, and can bend and break through reinforced steel, destroy impenetrable barriers, and can lift extremely heavy objects, and uproot trees and buildings/structures as well as decimate them with his might. He is strong and powerful enough to overcome entire rosters of superhumans, like the Justice League.
Invulnerability: Doomsday is almost completely resistant to all forms of physical and mental types of harm, and as such, bullets bounce off him, rockets, lasers and bombs will not leave a mark on him, and high-voltage energy emissions cannot penetrate through his tough hide.
Self-Sustenance: He can survive in space and can even operate while in the direct presence of space vacuums, vortexes and wormholes, and he does not require oxygen, water, or any form of nourishment to maintain himself.
Superhuman Stamina: Doomsday can take part in super-powered battles for months on end. He fought Superman through Metropolis for days of physical combat until even the Man of Steel was broken.
Superhuman Speed: Most surprising is his speed for his bulked size. In a matter of moments, Doomsday managed to render most of the Justice League incapable of fighting.

Protege (with The Living Tribunal and Post-retcon Beyonder's powers aborbed)
Main Reasons:Aborbed post-retcon Beyonder's power and The Living Tribunal's powers,Power Mimicry: the ability to duplicate the powers of other entities. Protege's ability was so powerful that he was able to duplicate the powers of the Living Tribunal,Infinite omnipotence: Eternity stated it does not matter how many times he mimics - Protégé will gain infinite omnipotence by himself in a certain amount of time.
Main Reasons:Faught The monitor for 1 billion years which ended in both of them being unconscious,The Anti-Monitor was one of the most formidable foes ever faced by the heroes. In addition to possessing vast size (varying from several meters to hundreds of meters), he has destroyed and absorbed countless universes. The Monitor explains that over a thousand universes have been destroyed. Even the Spectre was unable to defeat him even after being augmented by many powerful sorcerers, including a fifth dimensional imp. Therefore, he wields enough power to destroy a universe.He also has the ability to create waves that have the power to unmake matter at its most basic level.Invulnerability: He's personally battled scores of the strongest heroes from hundreds of universes simultaneously without taking any damage whatsoever.He consumed thousands of positive-matter universes to increase his power.Reality Alteration,
Genius Level Intellect,Tactical Analysis

Top 18 strongest Villains
note:not everything in this list is based on facts some of the things are based on theories and/or hypotheses so not everything might not be so accurate and not all of the most powerful characters in existence are here either for example shuma gortha and Mikaboshi who might or might not surpass cyttorak another example would be anyone with the M'Kraan Crystal might or might not surpass Thanos with heart of the universe,I just don't know.

Nemesis (initial form)
Main reasons:Virtually Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent (initial form)
Nemesis was originally the sole being in all of existence. Feeling loneliness, it shattered itself, forming the Infinity Gems and most of the Multiverse.
do not confuse the gem version of nemesis with the initial nemesis to my understanding the gem version is a weaker version according to the wiki "the reintegrated form is weakened by disturbances by the other Infinity Gems that have gained sentience and the missing energies dispersed throughout the multiverse."

During the battle of The Beyonder and the Juggernaut The Beyonder couldn't alter Juggernauts body (blink him out of existence)
Nightmare at one point defeated Eternity,while Juggernaut has been able to defeat Nightmare,while Juggernaut only being a portion of cyttorak's power,keep in mind that this was not only in Nightmare's domain but Nightmare at the time even had Eternity’s cosmic powers
Victor von Doom (with pre-retcon Beyonder/beyonders aborbed and the Lifeforce)

Main reasons:Hunger has the ability to devour most any form of energy or matter, and supposedly the fabric of reality itself. Energy blasts are harmless to it once it understands their composition, and the creature can absorb such things at will.
Hunger has the ability to perceive any and all events within a reality, as long as his attention is turned to it. This includes recognizing and conversing directly with the comic book reader by breaking the fourth wall.
Hunger also can subtly alter reality from an extra-dimensional distance, allowing the alteration of computer calculations and even the logical thought processes of sentient beings. When present in a reality, Hunger can directly take control of technology.
Hunger (Devourer of Realities)
Hunger is a universal-scale parasite that lives outside of the universe as we know it, within the great Cosmic Vortex. It feeds on whole realities.
When the Infinity Gauntlet was first assembled, it brought our reality to the attention of Hunger, who sought to devour it, as has supposedly happened with many other realities in the past. However, the nature of our reality required someone within the universe to create a hole for Hunger to gain entrance.
Hunger manipulated the technology and thoughts of Galactus to convince him that the Infinity Gems could permanently end his need for the energy of living planets. Upon gathering the Gems from inside and outside our universe,Galactus assembled the Gems in a crux that instead opened a gateway to the Vortex, allowing Hunger into our reality. The timely intervention of Thanos destroyed the gateway and scattered the Gems across the universe again, but left a very small portion of Hunger alive and inside our reality.
note:I am still not 100% sure if the beyonder that he aborbed was the post-recon version beyonder,or if it was the pre-recon beyonder Protege's rank would be higher probably ranking him higher then 6th.
Main reasons:has survived the destruction of a universe,has killed most of the super heros on Earth-238 except Captain Brritain,but later killed him to,It is physically powerful, capable of generating lethal energy blasts, and it has adaptations to superhuman powers of super hero's His scanners can analyze superhuman powers and modify his own defenses to combat them.Has survived the reality warping powers of Mad Jim Jaspers when Jim restructured the Earth-616 and leaving nothing behind,but The fury still existed and survived.It would seem that this creature can literally survive anything even the destruction of a universe.After defeating Jim in his weakened state it returned to Earth-616, where it was ambushed and torn apart by Captain UK, sustaining more damage in the process than it could regenerate.
note:most of the Fury's victims on Earth-238 were based on British comic book characters
The Fury

Juggernaut even survived The God-Force from Thor like it was nothing,Thor mentioned that the God-Force once hurled back Galactus and even gave paused to a celestial.
And has survived Cyclops' optic blasts at maximum power,which is said had enough force to rip a small planet in half.
Juggernaut even ripped through time and space,at one point.
Even the all mighty Onslaught has admitted that the Juggernaut is protected by Cyttorak's magical powers,and so long as he wields them he is indestructible.
Juggernaut has defeated Cyttorak in his own mind before,even though Juggernaut only holds a fraction of Cyttorak's power.Although Cyttorak probably lost due to the fact that he was not in his realm.
this is also a good resource of scans from the many great feats of Juggernaut (make sure to look at kenshiroo two posts)

Comic version

some may argue that the Heart of the universe is only a universal threat so I decided to do a little research and found out that it is atleast a multiversal threat thanks to a user on comicvine called killemall heres a link to the forum he/she was in.
But even if it was only a universal threat,which I believe its not due to killemall's post,the quality of power still comes from the One Above All.