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Name:Sebastian Hiram Shaw
Alias:Sebastian Shaw
Occupation:Adventurer; former chief executive officer and principal shareholder in Shaw Industries.
Sex:M Height:6' 2" Weight:210 lbs (95 kg)
Eye color:Blue
Hair color:Black
" What is mine... is mine. And what is theirs... is mine."
-- Sebastian Shaw
Sebastian Shaw's power first manifested shortly after he was accepted to engineering school and his father died, when he was beaten by some rednecks in a bar. Shaw devoted himself to his studies and created Shaw Industries, becoming a billionaire by the age of 40.
Shaw fell in love with a woman named Lourdes Chantel, and was soon initiated into the Hellfire Club along with Warren Worthington Jr., Howard Stark and John Braddock. Soon, Shaw rose to the position of Black King, and gathered mutantassociates to his side, including Emma Frost and Tessa. Unfortunately, Chantel was soon killed by Sentinels in a battle. Upon discovering that Ned Buckman, the White King of the Inner Circle, was supporting Stephen Lang's Project: Armageddon and its Sentinels, Shaw executed a coup, using Emma's telepathy to make Buckman kill his own White Queen and then himself. Shaw then appointed himself Black King, and his associate Frost as White Queen of the Hellfire Club.
As the leader of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, Shaw started plans to dominate the world through force, money and power. His connections to top officials of corporations and government, acquired via the club and through his position as CEO of Shaw Industries, made him a powerful enemy. Ironically, Shaw was for years a major supporter and builder of Sentinels, figuring that it was better to be in control of them than not.
Powers:Kinetic Energy
Absorption: Sebastian Shaw is an Alpha-Level Mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb kinetic energy and to metabolize it to enhance his own physical strength, speed, and stamina. This makes him extremely difficult to defeat in battle, as every blow struck against him only makes him stronger. Unusual tactics are required to defeat him, usually by incapacitating him or by attacking him psionically. Shaw absorbs the energy of any blow he is struck by, not just punches, but also projectiles like bullets, and to a less successful degree, electricity and physically based energy beams. Without absorbing energy, Shaw is merely a strong ordinary human, though normally he works to keep his strength at a superhuman level. For example, in one instance, he was shown to spend time hitting a wall after waking in order to build up his power reserves.
Kinetic Metabolism: Shaw can forgo sleep if he receives enough kinetic energy. Often he will have his mercenaries pummel him to give him enough stored energy that he need not sleep for some time.
Enhanced Durability: Shaw can still be crushed/cut, but cuts are superficial because he saps the blade of all its thrusting/cutting energy. Shaw is adept at not letting enemies realize his power until they have hit him one too many times. Hitting Shaw is often described as "punching a mattress".
Enhanced Strength: If properly energized, Shaw can lift and hold approximately one hundred times his weight. If bound, he can be punched by a teammate until he is strong enough to break the bonds. He is also adept at taunting foes into attacking him. Once, after being repeatedly hit by Colossus, Shaw slapped both sides of Colossus' head and Colossus' nose started to bleed.
Enhanced Speed: When he has absorbed kinetic energy, Shaw's speed is increased. After absorbing enough energy he can attack more quickly than opponents can react.
Enhanced Stamina: Shaw's stamina in increased beyond normal human levels when he absorbs kinetic energy.
Accelerated Healing: Shaw has healed from being hit repeatedly in the nose by Colossus in less than a few hours.
Limited Telepathy: He has also shown some telepathic ability.
Skilled Combatant: Shaw's powers make him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, even against superhumanly strong people like Colossus.
Skilled Leader: Being leader of the Hellfire Club has given Shaw some level of leadership and strategy skills. Shaw also has a shrewd business mind.
Weaknesses:Power Limitations: Shaw's abilities can be overloaded by too great an influx of power, like being hit with too many superhumanly strong punches. Shaw can also be defeated if an opponent focuses on simply immobilizing him without striking him with significant force, or if something heavy falls on him, for though he can sap the kinetic falling energy, the weight of the object could still crush him, unless he is strong enough to lift/stop it.Rogue once defeated Shaw simply by picking him up and throwing him straight up into the atmosphere, effectively removing him from the battlefield. There is an upper limit to the amount of energy that Shaw can absorb and convert: once he was "overloaded" by electrical energy discharged from the X-Man named Storm, and fell into a temporary coma. However, the exact extent of this limit remains unknown.
Without having absorbed additional energy, Sebastian Shaw possesses the normal strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. However, Shaw can gain superhuman levels of strength by absorbing kinetic energy, and usually takes care to absorb enough in order to keep his strength at a superhuman level throughout his waking hours: for example, upon waking he will punch walls repeatedly in order to build up his reserves of absorbed energy. There is a limit to the amount of physical strength Shaw can achieve, but it as yet remains unknown.
Name:none Alias:Doomsday Sex:M Eye color:red
Hair color:white
"Most predators attack their attackers...but this destroyed everything. That was its function, after ensure that no Kryptonian would ever be safe again."
-- General Zod
Note:he is the only villain thus far to have killed Superman.
A being of unknown origin and unimaginable power and bloodlust, the creature was unleashed onto Krypton, only to be repelled by Colonel Zod using an ancient Kryptonian warsuit (though Zod later hinted that he created the creature himself to serve as a rallying point to a pacifistic and 'soft' Krypton). Decades later, the creature would come to Earth, where it would find Superman. Little is known of their confrontation: what is certain is that Doomsday's arrival was heralded by the sky burning red, and when it appeared, it killed Superman and destroyed Metropolis, a day that would be known forever after as 'Doomsday', giving the monster a name. However, Superman returned and ultimately defeated the beast, afterwards rebuilding Metropolis. Doomsday would later be exiled to the Phantom Zone, but appeared sporadically in the material world, eventually breaking free altogether. It was discovered by Dr. Shay Veritas that Doomsday up to this point had been in a 'chrysalis' stage of development, and was only now reaching full maturity; not only stronger, and capable of teleporting using the Phantom Zone as a medium, but spreading spores and radiation sickness by its very presence, and absorbing the energy of those it killed so that it could at last kill Superman. Acknowledging that Doomsday was truly mindless, and with every moment spent on deliberation resulting in the deaths of innocents due to Doomsday's very presence now resulting in annihilation, Superman engaged the creature in a titanic battle spanning the entire solar system, ultimately tearing it in half and inhaling its spores to prevent the infection of those nearby. Doomsday would remain a danger to humanity even after its death as its spores began to mutate Superman into a new Doomsday, but Superman was ultimately stripped of the infection after plunging through a black hole, evidently ending Doomsday's threat once and for all.
Doomsday is an incredibly powerful monster with regenerative abilities. Every time he dies he respawns having evolved past the last thing that killed him, making him slowly invulnerable over the course of centuries traveling the universe. Developed as a weapon in a facility by the scientist Bertron, he was tested out through many of his first deaths on the planet Krypton, giving him an immense natural hatred towards Kryptonians. During the Death of Superman storyline he actually killed Superman, although Superman delivered a killing blow against him simultaneously. They would both return to fight many more times. He has been involved with the Suicide Squad and the Secret Society of Super-Villains.Doomsday was created by Dan Jurgens, first appearing in Superman: Man of Steel #17. (1992)
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Reflexes
Toxikinesis: Prior to his death, Doomsday was capable of emitting a toxin that would kill any human near him. Being a Kryptonian, only Superman could confront him, and even he was adversely affected, starting to warp biologically to resemble Doomsday. Transformation
Teleportation: Doomsday was capable of warping from location to location via the Phantom Zone.
Name:Alexander Luthor, Jr. Sex:M Height:5' 11" Weight:164 lbs (74 kg)
Eye color:Green Hair color:Red
Alexander Luthor was born in the alternate universe of Earth-Three. On Earth-Three, there were numerous super-villains but only one hero. Earth-Three was for years terrorized by its equivalent to the Justice League of, an evil organization known as the Crime Syndicate of America. The only man to successfully defend that earth from the Syndicate was Alexander Luthor, Sr.. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Earth-Three and the rest of its universe were attacked by the Anti-Monitor in his quest to overwhelm his matter-based counterpart and recreate the universe in his own evil image. Though the Anti-Monitor succeeded in destroying Earth-Three, Luthor and his wife, the Lois Lane of that reality, managed to protect and save their only son, the infant Alexander, Jr. Placing him in a special experimental transportation capsule, Luthor, Sr. managed to send his son through the dimensional barriers and the anti-matter wave, and into the relative safety of the Earth-One universe, where Luthor had previously met the Justice League and other heroes.There, the infant Luthor materialized on the abandoned Justice League Satellite, where he was discovered and taken byHarbinger at the behest of The Monitor.
The Monitor soon discovered that Luthor's passage through the anti-matter storm had granted him power over both matter and anti-matter, while also dramatically accelerating the child's aging process. Within days, Luthor had both the body and mental faculties of a young adult. He also had the power to serve as a human bridge between universes, an ability that would become critical when the heroes of the various positive-matter universes needed to enter the Anti-Monitor's realm and defeat him. Following the Monitor's death, Alexander (along with Harbinger and Pariah) led the heroes and villains of six universes against the Anti-Monitor, badly injuring him (though ultimately not killing him).
Powers:Unique Physiology
Energy Absorption
Energy Bursts
Dimensional Travel
Power Distribution: Alexander could increase Superboy-Prime's strength to a level that he could push planets.
Warp Creation: Luthor could create portals between any two locations that he chooses and travel through. These portals can convert positive matter into antimatter and vice-versa.
Genius Level Intellect
Power Loss: Overuse of his powers weakens him.
Power Limitation: Luthor could not actually change history or bring back the original versions of the Earths that existed before the Crisis. Though Luthor was able to create many facsimiles of the infinite realities, these "Earths" were brittle and fragile, and many were completely devoid of life. The duplicates of his reality's people were also imperfect, and it seemed that Luthor did not have the ability to truly physically alter the actual individuals who existed post-Crisis.
Name:Teth-Adam Alias:Black Adam Occupation:Prince; Dictator;Archaeologist Sex:M Height:6' 3"
Weight:250 lbs (113 kg) Eye color:Brown Hair color:Black
Powers:Divine Empowerment - All of the powers granted collection of six by gods and figures of legend either directly or through Shazam.
Accelerated Healing
Clairvoyance: The ability to understand situations from many angles, including future and past consequences with superhuman clarity and accuracy.
Divine Grace: Innate luck and divine guidance that allows finesse in actions and dealings with others.
Eidetic Memory
Magic Resistance
Enhanced Intellect: Intellect and wisdom are heightened to superhuman levels. This also provides great or comprehensive knowledge in many areas, including:
Tactics of War
Flight: The ability to hover or soar at high speed through an act of sheer will.
Healing: The ability to use the transformative lightning to heal others or ones self instantly.
Indomitable Will: An incredible amount of willpower that allows perseverance in overwhelming odds and seemingly unbeatable situations.
Self-Sustenance: The ability to survive without sleep, food, water, or air.
Superhuman Speed: The ability to run or fly at incredible rates of speed.
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Strength
Teleportation: The ability to access the Rock of Eternity.
Transformation: The ability to transform from a mortal to the entity empowered by the six.
Immortality: As long as he remains in his empowered form he doesn't age.
Egyptology: Egyptian history and lore, Egyptian mythology, Egyptian magic.
Multilingualism: Black Adam can speak several languages including ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Kahndaqi and American English.
Vulnerability to Magic: Only significant magic can affect him, such as the mystical abilities of the Spectre.
Name:Johann Shmidt Alias:Red Skull
Occupation:Former beggar, thief, menial laborer and bellhop; later terrorist leader for the Third Reich, would-be world conqueror.
Education:No formal education, trained by Adolf Hitler.
Eye color:No Eyes (original and cloned body blue)
Height:5' 9" , 6'1" (original body), 6'2" (cloned body)
Weight:200 lbs (91 kg) , 195 lbs (original body), 240 lbs (cloned body)
Johann Shmidt, the Red Skull, was the son of a coarse, drunken German villager named Hermann Shmidt and his reportedly saintly, long-suffering wife Martha, who for years endured abuse and beatings from her husband. Martha died giving birth to Johann, their only child. Driven to madness by the death of the woman he both loved and hated, Hermann Shmidt tried to drown the newborn infant, accusing him of murdering Martha. The doctor who had just delivered the baby saved Johann from his abused father, and the next morning Hermann Shmidt committed suicide.
The doctor then took Johann to an orphanage, where the child led a lonely existence. Johann ran away from the orphanage when he was seven years old and lived on the streets as a beggar and a thief. As he grew older he worked at various menial jobs but spent most of his time in prison for crimes ranging from vagrancy to theft.
As a young man Shmidt was from time to time employed by a Jewish shopkeeper, whose daughter, Esther, was the only person who had treated Shmidt kindly up to that point. Seized with passion for Esther, Shmidt tried to force himself upon her, only to be rejected by her. In unthinking fury, Shmidt murdered her. Shmidt fled the scene in terror, but also felt ecstatic joy in committing his first murder. In killing Esther he had given vent to the rage at the world that had been building up in him throughout his young life.
Shmidt longed for a master who would show him the way to achieve power. Years later, after the Nazis had come to power in Germany, Shmidt was working in a hotel where the dictator of Germany's Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, came one day to stay. That night Shmidt brought refreshments to Hitler's suite and found Hitler berating the chief of the Gestapo (the secret police of Nazi Germany) for letting a spy escape.
On hearing Hitler's voice, Shmidt decided that Hitler was the master he had sought. When Hitler ranted to the Gestapo chief that "I could teach that bellboy to do a better job than you!" the dictator then looked closely at Shmidt and saw the bellboy's hatred, of all mankind, an emotion that Hitler asserted he himself shared. Shmidt saw in Hitler's eyes all of his own fears and frustrations, the embodiment of evil, and a model after which he could pattern himself.
Inspired, Hitler declared that he would make the bellboy into a "perfect Nazi" who would serve as his right-hand man. Shmidt eagerly agreed to do what Hitler wished.
Trying to carry out Hitler's orders, his subordinates at first attempted to train Shmidt to become a perfect German soldier wearing an ordinary SS uniform. Enraged, for he wanted to turn Shmidt into something quite different, Hitler personally took over Shmidt's training. Hitler gave Shmidt a lifelike red skull-like head mask and named him the Red Skull. The Skull was answerable only to Hitler himself.
Note:Due to the Skull's ties to the Nazis, many supervillains refuse to ally with him. The only supervillains who will willingly work with the Red Skull are usually those with either prior membership with the Nazis, or have been influenced by the Nazi philosophy. These includes Baron Zemo, Crossbones, Baron Strucker, and Sin.
Powers:Immortality Through Cloning: His psionic mind transference grants the Red Skull immortality. The Red Skull's mind has survived his physical bodies' death several times by being transferred through differing means to new bodies.
Artificially Enhanced Clone Body: The Red Skull's consciousness was once transferred into a cloned body of Steve Rogers, the original Captain America, which has been enhanced with the super soldier serum. While in this Rogers' clone body, the Red Skull's physical and mental functions were enhanced to the absolute pinnacle of human potential and perfection.
Some of the Red Skull's physical senses were only above average due to his face and head being damaged by his own Red Dust of Death which deformed his cloned body's face to resemble his "Red Skull" mask/helmet which lacks an external nose and ears.
Peak Human Strength: This body allowed the Red Skull's physical strength to be enhanced to the very peak of human potential, allowing him to military press around 800 pounds.
Peak Human Speed: This clone body allowed the Red Skull to be able to run at a speed of approximately 30 miles per hour.
Peak Human Agility: This body allowed the Red Skull to have agility superior to that of any Olympic athlete that has ever competed.
Peak Human Stamina: This clone body allowed Shmidt to eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance. He can exert himself at peak capacity for an hour without rest before showing any signs of fatigue.
Peak Human Durability: This clone body allowed Johann's ability to resist or recover from injury and disease are superior to those of ordinary humans. This explains how he has survived the physical punishment during his career.
Peak Human Metabolism: This clone body allowed the Red Skull an enhanced metabolism allows him to heal faster than normal when recovering from injury. Gunshot wounds and broken limbs heal within days, and lesser injuries can heal in just a few hours. This metabolism also renders him virtually immune to most poisons, including intoxication by consuming alcohol.
Peak Human Mental Process: This cloned body allowed the Red Skull's mental performance to be greatly enhanced, allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. One manifestation of this is his tactical genius; the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.
Peak Human Reflexes: This cloned body allowed Johann Shmidt to possess reaction time superior to any Olympic athlete that has ever competed.
Peak Human Perception: This cloned body allowed the Red Skull to have exceptionally keen eyesight and hearing. Captain America once stated that he is able to dodge bullets because he "sees faster than them" Making it likely that the Skull is also able to accomplish such feats.
Since the loss of his cloned body, the Red Skull no longer has these abilities. It is unknown if he will transfer himself into yet another cloned body of Rogers.
Strategic Genius: The Red Skull is a master of political, military, and subversive strategy, as well as a brilliant planner and organizer.
Hand-to-Hand Combat: In his original body the Red Skull was a fine hand to hand combatant, although not to the level of Captain America. He was also a brilliant fencer and skilled marksman.
In his cloned body, he was an exact match of Steve Rogers.
In his current robot body, he has superhuman combat abilities.
Strength Level: In his original body, the Red Skull possessed the normal human strength of a man his physical age, height, and build who engaged in intensive regular exercise.
In his cloned body, the Red Skull has strength matching or near matching Steve Rogers as he did not exercise as intensely or regularly as Rogers does.
In his robot body, the Red Skull possesses superhuman strength.
The Red Skull used many other weapons; many of these were conventional but others were advanced beyond the scope of contemporary mainstream science.
Zola's Robotic Body: After a fight with Bucky who at the time was Captain America. Arnim Zola transferred the Red Skull's mind out of Aleksander Lukin's body and into one of his own spare android forms as a temporary measure. Shortly afterward, Lukin was killed by Sharon Carter and Zola was seemingly destroyed. The Red Skull remained trapped in Zola's spare body for sometime.
Weapons:Dust of Death: The Red Skull's most infamous personal weapon was his so-called "dust of death." The chemical composition of this powder is unknown, but it kills a victim within seconds of making contact with his or her skin, causing the skin on the victim's head to tighten, shrivel, and take on a red discolouration, while causing all the hair on the victim's head to fall out. As a result, the victim's corpse appears to have a "red skull" for a head. While committing murders with this weapon, the Skull often hummed, whistled, or played a tape recording of Chopin's funeral march, which was also the Skull's trademark music when he committed murders in the early 1940's. The Skull could fire his "dust of death" from a special handgun.
Name:Kal-El Alias:Superboy-Prime
Occupation:Herald of the Anti-Monitor, Conqueror
Sex:M Height:5' 11"
Weight:170 lbs (77 kg)
Eye color:Blue Hair color:Black
Note:Superboy-Prime, (Clark Kent, born Kal-El) also known as Superman-Prime or simply Prime, is a DC Comics superhero turned supervillain, and one of several alternate Supermen. The character first appeared in DC Comics Presents #87 (November 1985)
Kal-El was born as the son of Lara and Jor-El of the planet Krypton in the Pre-Crisis universe designated as Earth-Prime. When Kal-El was still a toddler, his scientist father made a grave discovery. Jor-El learned that a massive solar flare from Krypton's red sun threatened to engulf their home world, ultimately destroying it. Originally destined to be the greatest superhero and the world's chosen champion in the fight against evil, Superboy-Prime, left scarred by the traumatic events he witnessed has become a brutal killing machine. Years of isolation in the paradise dimension while endlessly viewing the events of a life he could no longer have put severe stress on his already fragile mind.
Due to his existence out of Multiverse, because of the death of his home world in Crisis on Infinite Earths, he is completely immune to the reality-changing abilities of his enemies (such as imps of Fifth Dimension).
At present in the alternate recreation of Earth-Prime he currently inhabits, Prime restored all of his previous powers due to actions by Black Lantern Alexander Luthor.
While he was formerly empowered by the energies of the Guardians of the Universe, Prime showed he was able to enter into the Fifth Dimension at will as well as the Source Wall itself. These Oan energies aged him to adulthood, increasing his powers even more than normal, though they wouldn't last, as he used them all up to fight against Monarch. Since that battle Prime has reverted to his former physical age and his powers have returned to his pre-Countdown power levels.
In at least one possible timeline, Prime will become the Time Trapper and have literally access to all powers and abilities from across all time.
Kryptonian Physiology: Prime's cellular structure is more dense, resilient and biologically more effective than human tissue. Strangely enough, he does not seem to possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular ability without constant exposure to yellow solar energy. Without such charging, his strength seems on par for a human of his height and weight who engages in regular physical activity. As an alien he possess several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed or understood but are believed to be part of and perhaps even the source of his biomatrix force field and reclamation aura. Prime's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of Prime's electromagnetic capabilities such as flight and heat vision. It also supplements his physical strength by a factor of 12,000 times or so.
Energy Absorption: Technically, this is the primary source of Prime's powers. Because Prime's powers are mostly the result of his ability to absorb and process yellow sun energy, his powers have been affected by extreme absorptions of solar power, whether voluntary or involuntary. Prime seems either unique due to his hailing from another dimension or maybe this may be an unknown advancement of this ability that other Kryptonians have yet to achieve. Prime's body is not limited to processing only yellow sun energy as the energy of the willpower-manipulating energy of the Guardians is completely compatible to his body's energy processing ability. It is unclear what other energy sources Prime's cells can effectively process. But presently only these two separate and distinct known sources (yellow solar energy and Guardian mental energy) are the most effective.
Heat Vision: Prime can generate beams of intensified heat from both of his eyes. His heat vision is strong enough to melt through Titanium steel and other durable metals. His heat vision also generates concussive force, which can repel opponents away from him and injure opponents like some of the Green Lanterns he fought, even though they were protected by their ring's energy or Bushido who was sliced in half. He can also control the size of the beams and change their strength.
Super-Hearing: Prime has the ability to hear any sound at any volume or pitch from vast distances. This power is suggested to be a form of mental telepathy that corresponds to sound as he has been shown to hear sounds in outer space where there is no air for the sounds to travel through.
Enhanced Vision: Prime's vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: Prime can see well into most of the EM Spectrum. He can see and identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies. Using this ability, he can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods. This also allows him to see the aura generated by living thing.
Telescopic Vision: Prime can perceive objects at great distances. The range of his telescopic vision is unknown, but he can see objects from several hundred miles away. This ability operates independently of normal vision and can be activated or deactivated by an act of will.
X-Ray Vision: Through an act of will, Prime can perceive items in the electromagnetic spectrum. He can see through solid objects of varying depths and thickness. The exact range of Prime's X-ray vision is unknown.
Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level.
Infrared Vision: Prime can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.
Flight: Through an act of will, Prime can fly without the aid of wings or other navigational devices. His recorded speed while flying under yellow solar energy only has been noted to be well beyond light speed being able to do independent time travel by exceeding the light speed barrier as evident during the Infinite Crisis saga, rather than the slower vibrational matching technique that Barry Allen, Bart Allen and Jay Garrick use to move in time.
Invulnerability: Fully charged in a yellow star solar system, Prime is impervious to all known physical attacks and has directly survived traveling through a sun. He is so invulnerable that he could survive going through a red sun which makes him lose his powers with no injuries.
Superhuman Stamina: Prime has the ability to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an undefined period. Theoretically, most incarnations of the character has unlimited stamina as his enhanced nourishment is produced from the solar energy his cells process; however his base physical structure still does need to process food stuffs as well as has the psychological need to eat and drink just as Earth humans do, despite the fact that his superhuman powers receives the majority of that power from a yellow sun.
Superhuman Strength: Prime has near infinite physical strength under his own original superhuman levels, which are present in all of his other physical abilities as long as he is charged by yellow solar radiation. Fully charged, Prime has repeatedly shown himself to be able to move entire planets out of their orbits at will and has defeated multiple attacks by fully charged other dimensional Kryptonian counterparts to himself at his regular "charged-up" levels. He is strong enough to kill powerful enemies by accident like he did with Wildebeest and Pantha.
Superhuman Speed: Prime is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to his perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid flight as well as covering vast distances in little or no time. While not nearly as fast as the Flash, he is able to exceed light speed and break the time barrier.
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Super-Breath: Prime can generate a concentrated gust of wind from his mouth capable of freezing matter within a limited range, as evidenced by him freezing several Green Lanterns to death while fighting them off in space and even freezing Red Star after he had powered up.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Like all Kryptonians, Prime possesses a healing factor that enables him to heal instantaneously from most wounds despite being Invulnerable. The full extent of Prime's healing factor is unknown but when he was being beaten by a horde of Superheroes on Earth he recovered instantaneously from his wounds upon coming in contact with yellow sunlight. Also Superman's healing factor allows him repair and regrow cells, tissues and organs that have been damaged or destroyed, so if Prime possesses the same powers as Superman at an even greater level it stands to reason that Prime's healing factor is even stronger and more efficient. It is unclear if Prime's healing factor will stop his ageing process after he finishes growing or simply slow it down but like Superman his healing factor can enable him to live almost indefinitely if he resides under continuous exposure of Earth's sunlight. Prime's healing factor also keeps him in optimal health and makes him immune to all diseases, infections, contaminations, corrosives and radiation (with the exception of the radiation found in Red Solar Energy which drains his powers).
Hand-to-hand combat:He has at least basic knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.
Magic Immunity: Unlike most versions of Superman, Prime is completely unaffected by magic. This was seen when he was only minimally effected from a blast from Black Adam, stating that it only "tickled" him. The same effect happened when he was attacked by Mordru.
Power Mimicry Immunity: Prime possessed an ability to nullify the effects of others trying to duplicate his powers. This was shown when fighting Amazo replying that "trying to copy my powers.....wrong!!!!"
Kryptonite Immunity: Krypton of Earth-Prime's universe—unlike other versions of the planet—was swallowed up by its sun Rao, rather than destroyed in an explosion that might have created Kryptonite, so there is no known Kryptonite that can affect Prime. Prime, as well as Superman of Earth-Two, has been shown to be immune to the Kryptonite of the New Earth Universe. Presently, there is no known existing variant of Kryptonite that originates in the current reality that can effect Prime.It is unknown if Kryptonite from any of the other known 52 universes or antimatter universes can effect him.An artificial variant was created in the Legion of Super-Heroes' time that had an effect on Prime. It is unknown at this time if it would kill Prime or merely irritate him as shown.
Strength level: As Superboy-Prime, Kal-El Prime's strength level is in the high end superhuman range as he can literally move entire planets out of their orbit barehanded with no other supplementary power or aids. Presently Kal-El Prime has not been shown to overwhelm black holes on his own power like the similar Earth-One Superman though it is suggested he is able to do so as well.
Weaknesses:Solar Energy: Prime's superhuman powers all result from his ability to store process and convert compatible energy sources in his body for effect. His primary and most accessible energy source is yellow solar energy. In order to function at peak capacity using solar energy, Prime must remain within the accessible area of such yellow solar radiation or his powers fade to greatly reduced levels, some disappearing entirely if his solar reserves are empty. It is presently unclear what other solar energy sources Prime can directly use though it is known red sun energy will NOT empower him. With his fully charged powers Superboy-Prime is able to kill most, if not all, of the DC characters in the entire Multiverse. This is demonstrated when he was able to take on most of the DC characters without his power suit. His strength is further increased when he gained the energies of one of the Guardians of the Universe.
It is thought that he can not process energy from the lower frequency orange O-class stars and cannot process the higher-frequency White K or blue F classes, as that is the case in some other dimensional Kryptonians such as Kal-El of New Earth. But this limitation is presently unconfirmed.
Unlike most other dimensional Kryptonians such as the current primary Superman, Prime loses his charging very fast, though likewise can charge up very fast (was shown being able to charge up to near full strength within a few seconds while being beaten by a mass of heroes on Earth and recovered almost completely, within seconds, when he entered into sunlight). However, Prime has to remain within direct exposure of that charging yellow sun radiation, or he begins to lose his abilities. This is very different from the current Primary Earth dimension Kryptonians whose bodies process, store, and dissipate yellow solar radiation much more slowly.
Prime can easily survive conditions in deep space, but he does need to breathe, eat, sleep, and excrete. Prime can hold his breath for an unknown amount of time. However, it is suggested that he needs to sleep in order to allow his mind to dream. Unlike humans and Earth-Two dimension Kryptonians who were directly shown to need sleep, Prime has been shown to be more like the former Earth-One dimension Kryptonians who when charged did not experience the psychological effects of sleep deprivation as would any other person who missed a night of sleep. Prime has been shown that while wearing his solar charging armor on Qward he did not sleep for an extended amount of time without losing any of his concentration effects.
When Prime's solar energy reserves are depleted, his powers and abilities, such as his resistance to physical punishment, drops. However, the true extent of that limitation is not known, as he was drained excessively while fighting most of the Primary Earth heroes and was able to successfully withstand their attacks at his weakened power levels until sunrise on his locale whereby he was able to recharge and regained most of his power levels within seconds.
Lead: As a Kryptonian, all of Prime's vision powers are ineffective against lead or lead-based material.
Psionics: It is unknown if Prime can be overwhelmed by those who are able to generate psionic energies. Though based on similar solar powered Kryptonians such as the Earth-One Superman, it is suggested that Prime's latent super-concentration would be able to save him from such attacks if he does not allow them to continue against him.
Mental Illness: Prime is utterly single-minded in his pursuit of creating what he believes to be the "Perfect Earth". As such, his judgment has shown itself to be severely impaired when it comes to dealing with others in achieving this goal. His mania and arrested emotional maturity level have led to countless deaths across the Multiverse; both intentional and from his rampaging carelessness. An example of this weakness is in his inability to take responsibility for his actions, although this is also reflected in the ease with which he shows fear when faced with something he cannot overcome, such as the consequences of him killing a Guardian, obliterating Earth-51, attacking the Time Trapper and possibly killing the only person he "loved" from Earth-Prime, Laurie. Other instances of Prime's mental illness, in addition to his obsession of re-creating Earth-Prime, he has shown many phobias since his return from the pocket universe that include Achluophobia (afraid of the dark), Athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten), Cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped), all while displaying a grandiose delusion of success once able to temporarily overcome a specific phobia. In addition he's shown signs of self-inflicted harm to himself by scarring his chest with an "S" while in the company of mini red Sun-Eater that had prevented the wound from healing properly. Also he's shown a wide range of emotions at all times which prevented him from becoming a Black Lantern, as all 7 colors from the light spectrum were equally strong within him.
Equipment:Solar Armor: Super-charging armor that kept his power levels at their maximum even inside of non yellow sun solar systems. While imprisoned by the Flashes on an alternate Earth, Superboy-Prime builds a power suit modeled after the Anti-Monitor, which collects and feeds him yellow solar energy, to maintain his power levels even when exposed to a red sun. Although he claims to have made it himself, Bart Allenremembers him stealing it following his escape. It is destroyed when the two Supermen fly Superboy-Prime through Krypton's red sun. After his escape from Oa, Superboy-Prime is given a new power suit built by the Sinestro Corps. This suit was destroyed by various heroes during the Sinestro Corps' invasion of Earth.