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Apparently responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond, the One-Above-All is the master and sole superior of the cosmic overseer and arbitrator known as the Living Tribunal, whose faces, embodying Equity, Vengeance and Necessity respectively, are in perfect alignment with one another as it passes judgment.
When the pregnant Susan Storm feared for her husband's possible death at the hands of the "all-powerful" Silver Surfer, Uatu the Watcher tells her that there is only one being that is truly "all-powerful", and that "His only love!", During an encounter with the Sorcerer SupremeDoctor Strange, the cosmic entity Eternity tells Strange: "I and my brother, Death, comprise all of your reality, mystic! Neither he nor I are God, for God rules all realities!" When Thor once compared himself and Odin to various other gods and abstract beings in terms of power, he notes: "...and 'tis said that a being, called the Living Tribunal—the final judge—hath the power to enforce his will 'pon any cosmos he doth judge! And 'tis said his power is supreme in all the Multiverse. Even I, son of one of the mightiest of all gods, find it impossible to conceive of such levels of power! And 'tis a humbling thought to consider how much greater the Creator of all Universes must be than that of all of His creations combined!"
The Living Tribunal is said to be "the representative of one whose might exceeds even Eternity", and the omniscient Infinity Well within Death’s realm describes the Tribunal as “the representative of the One who is above all.” The Tribunal later states: “It was Eternity who first brought this matter to my attention and whom I ruled in favor of. Laws set forth from Above declare that only he may now reverse that decision.” Master Order, whilst observing Adam Warlock alongside Lord Chaos, said: “And may the Supreme Will smile on the golden warrior.” Warlock later recounts how he was called to judgment by the Living Tribunal, who he describes as “the servant of the One who is above even gods.”
Name:Unknown Gender:Agender
Alias:God Height:Variable Weight:Variable Eye color:Variable
Occupation:God of the Marvel Multiverse Hair color:Variable
Powers:As the supreme being of the Omniverse, the One-Above-All is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omniversal, above all cosmic powers and abstract entities, even the Living Tribunal.
Abilities:Beyond any known system of abilities.
Strength level:Beyond any known system of strength.
Name: unknown
Alias: Eternity
Occupation: Abstract entity
Height: Incalculable
Weight: Incalculable
Eye color: Black With stars
Hair:No Hair
Eternity is an abstract, virtually omnipotent entity representing all time and reality in the universe. The entity is part of a small cosmic pantheon that represents the three essential forces in the universe, being equity, necessity and vengeance.
In the Earth-616 universe these beings are:
Equity - Galactus
Necessity - Eternity / Infinity
Vengeance - Death / Oblivion
Eternity and Infinity are in effect twin concepts, as they represent all time (Eternity) and space (Infinity) in the universe respectively. Eternity and the other cosmic beings are only surpassed by the Living Tribunal, the being that governed the Multiverse.
Eternity also spawned several "children", or concepts that became separate, independent entities. These are Empathy, Eulogy, Expediency, Entropy, Epiphany, Enmity and Eon - although the last was eventually killed and replaced in turn by the concept Epoch.
Eternity typically only manifested when there was an imminent threat to the universe, such as the villain Dormammu or the Titan Thanos, who collected the Infinity Gems and later the Heart of the Universe. With these artifacts Thanos was in fact capable of surpassing Eternity and even imprisoned the cosmic entity, proving that even Eternity was not truly omnipotent.
A notable exception was during the trial of Mr. Fantastic, when Eternity was summoned by the combined effort of Galactus and the Watcher. Eternity then allowed millions of alien onlookers to momentarily become one with the universe so that they could understand that Galactus was part of the natural order of the universe. The Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange was the first human being on Earth to have contact with Eternity.
Eternity and all of his counterparts across the Multiverse were guarded by their own personal Captain Universe.
Eternity was the collective consciousness of all life and was defendant on the many trillions of beings within it. It existed everywhere simultaneously. Eternity could take humanoid form when it deigned to communicate to sorcerers and the like. Eternity once aided Doctor Strange against Dormammu, and Strange then helped Eternity escape from Nightmare's clutches. He was captured by Nightmare once again, which led to the destruction of Earth, but at the intervention of Strange and the Ancient One, Eternity recreated the Earth. To have greater understanding of humanity, Eternity occasionally walked the Earth, using the name Adam Quadmon.
When Henry Pym grew beyond the macroverse into Overspace, he met Eternity, who thanked him for saving reality from Chthon. He gave the title "Scientist Supreme" to Pym because of his desire to take science to the point of studying magic. He sent Pym back to Earth, telling him that he was the founder of the Avengers to come and promised a new age of heroes was coming, although this may have been a ruse by Loki.
The Eternity of Earth-616, as well as its alternate reality counterparts, was annihilated by the Beyonders.
powers: supposedly Omnipotence. Unlimited ability to manipulate time, space, matter, energy, magic or reality for any purpose; Immortal embodiment of the universe; Capable of physically manifesting as any force living within the Earth dimension.