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Name:Ben Reilly
Alias:Spider-Carnage Spider-Man (Former)
Editorial Names:Amazing Spider-Man,
Astonishing Spider-Man,
Sensational Spider-Man,
Spectacular Spider-Man; formerly Amazing Scarlet Spider, The Spectacular Scarlet Spider
Occupation:Vigilante, adventurer; formerly waiter, short order cook, genetic research assistant, bartender, janitor, mechanic, photographer, misc. work for hire
Education:Duplicated mind of Peter Parker.
Sex:M Height:5' 10"
Weight:165 lbs (75 kg)
Eye color:Hazel Hair:Brown (dyed blond)
known as Spider-Carnage and formerly known as Spider-Man,in spiderman the animated series he is an alternate universe counterpart to Spider-Man. He is the combination of one version of Spider-Man and the Carnage symbiote. Unlike all other versions of the costumed hero, this Spider-Man seeks vengeance and a means to destroy all of reality.
He changed his name to Ben Reilly, dyed his hair blonde, adopted a different costume that had impact webbing in addition to web shooters, and called himself the Scarlet Spider.
In the comics he is Created from Peter Parker's DNA by the Jackal, this clone was made to fight him as part of Jackal's torment to Spider-Man, blaming him for Gwen Stacy's death. In the fight, only one could survive in order to save Ned Leeds from a bomb. When the Jackal had an eye-opener and freed Ned, activating the bomb, seemingly dying and killing the Clone. Spider-Man got the corpse and buried him at a industrial chimney, but he was alive and managed to survive due to the Jackal injecting him with something earlier while he was unconscious. In an attempt to sow confusion between Peter Parker and Ben Reilly the Jackal dumped another Spider-Clonedown the same smoke stack Peter Parker dumped Ben Reilly in after he rescued Ben.
Then, the clone spent the next five years in exile from New York, believing himself to be a worthless clone. He dubbed himself "Ben Reilly", using his Uncle Ben's first name and his Aunt May's maiden name, Ben Parker and May Reilly respectively.
Powers:Superhuman Strength: The Scarlet Spider possessed the proportionate strength of a spider, granting him superhuman strength. He was capable of lifting 10 tons or more when under extreme stress. The Scarlet Spider's strength extends into his powerful leg muscles which allows him to leap heights and distances far beyond human capability.
Superhuman Stamina: The Scarlet Spider is able to exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair his performance.
Superhuman Durability: The composition of the Scarlet Spider's skeleton, inter-connected tissues, and nervous system had all been enhanced. His bodily tissues were somewhat more durable and resistant to impact or trauma than an ordinary human, although he was certainly not invulnerable. While his body was tougher than an ordinary human, he could still be injured in ways comparable to an ordinary human. He was seemingly killed when impaled in the back by the Green Goblin's goblin glider. However, if injured, his body is capable of repairing itself somewhat faster than an ordinary human is capable of.
Superhuman Agility: The Scarlet Spider was extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues were twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite their enhanced strength.
Spider-Sense: The Scarlet Spider possessed an extrasensory "danger" or "spider" sense which warned him of potential immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, which enabled him to evade most any injuries, unless he cognitively overrode his automatic reflexes. The precise nature of this sense is unknown. It appeared to be a simultaneous clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena (everything from falling safes to speeding bullets to thrown punches), which had given several hundredths of a second warning, which was sufficient time for his reflexes to allow him to avoid injury. The sense also could create a general response on the order of several minutes: he could not discern the nature of the threat by the sensation. He could, however, discern the severity of the danger by the strength of his response to it. The Scarlet Spider's spider-sense was directional and could guide him to or away from hidden weapons and enemies. Sudden and extreme threats could cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity. The Scarlet Spider could also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by a computer. Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, the Scarlet Spider could casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire, provided there was sufficient distance. His spider-sense was sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes to the point that a threat could trigger them even when the Scarlet Spider was asleep or stunned. His spider-sense had helped him preserve his secret identity since it alerts him to observers or camera when changing into or out of his costume. The spider-sense did react to those who Ben does not consider to be a threat. The Scarlet Spider could choose to ignore his spider-sense, and distraction or fatigue diminished its effectiveness. The Scarlet Spider's fighting style incorporates the advantage that his "spider-sense" provides him. An interesting sidenote was that, because Ben was not the host of theVenom Symbiote and was cloned before the Symbiote was bonded to Peter, his spider-sense did not see the Venom symbiote as himself, and Venom therefore triggered his spider-sense.
Superhuman Reflexes: The Scarlet Spider's reflexes were faster than an average human by about a factor of 15 (he was often able to dodge bullets only inches from hitting him). His practical reaction time was at least a dozen times that of a normal human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allowed him to dodge almost any attack, even bullets only inches away from his face.
Superhuman Speed: The Scarlet Spider is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Scarlet Spider has showed to be fast enough to catch up to an accelerating car while on foot, but prefers to travel by webs.
Superhuman Equilibrium: The Scarlet Spider possessed the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seemed able to adjust his position by instinct, which enabled him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. He had developed a unique fighting style that made full use of his agility, strength, and equilibrium.
Wall-Crawling: The Scarlet Spider possessed the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcame the outer electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permitted the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces was so far limited to the Scarlet Spider's body (especially concentrated in his hands and feet) and another object, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. Limits to this ability seemed to be psychosomatic, and the full nature of this ability has yet to be established.
Strength level:as spiderman he can carry 10 tons but with the Carnage symbiote he is able to carry 90 tons this is not his true limit as his strength increases with his size and variable muscle mass.
Also the Carnage symbiote grants its wielder the ability to stick to walls, create web like substance, tendrils and (as a result of its incubation on Earth) to create bladed and blunt instruments from its own mass. The Carnage symbiote has shown the ability to somehow convert negative emotions into biomass, enabling it to regenerate from a few cells. It can also convert ingested organic materials such as flesh and blood into additional biomass. It also grants limited shape shifting, demonstrated by its above abilities and the ability to mimic any form of clothing. The symbiote has also shown the ability to repair brain damage, as it has done for The Wizard and Cletus Kasady, and also seemingly regenerated the latter's lower body. Following being experimented on by Hall Industries, the symbiote developed the ability to create duplicates of itself that could be controlled by its main body, but seemingly no longer possesses this power after being "chemically neutered" by the Superior Spider-Man.
Carnage and its siblings are immune to Spider-Man's Spider Sense. At one point it granted Kasady the ability to "see" through its costume, but this ability seemed to be lost.
Weaknesses:Like most other Symbiotes, sound and fire, however Carnage doesn't mind the heat as long as it's the one making it.
Notes:Ben dyes his hair blond, to lessen his resemblance to Peter Parker.
Ben, like all of Peter's clones, does not set off Peter's Spider-Sense and vice versa.
Ben died on Halloween day.
Occupation:Inter dimensional conqueror, (usually) ruler of the Dark Dimension
Sex:M Height:Variable (usually 6'1")
Eyes:Yellow (green in human form)
Hair color:No Hair (black in human form)
Born untold thousands or even millions of years ago in the dimension of the vastly powerful energy-entities called the Faltine, Dormammu and his sibling Umar gathered matter to themselves to increase their power, a practice anathema to their fellow Faltine, becoming their dimension's mightiest sorcerers. Ultimately slaying their parent Sinifer, they were driven from their home dimension, the Faltine deeming their garnering of such energy intolerable, and assumed human form to explore others. Their search for conquests brought them to the Dark Dimension, a mystic realm riddled with natural warps into pocket universes within the dimension itself. At the time of their arrival, the Dark Dimension’s multi-species society had been at peace for almost 28,000 years and was in the third millennium of the rule of King Olnar. Despite the warnings of his sorcerer advisors the Mhuruuks, Olnar offered Dormammu and Umar sanctuary and power in exchange for the knowledge of how to shatter dimensional barriers and absorb other dimensions into his domain. After decades of such conquest, Dormammu, whether by chance or design, led Olnar to the dimension of the Mindless Ones, indestructible rampaging dreadnoughts who slew Olnar and many other Dark Dimension denizens. Dormammu and Umar repelled and confined the creatures, using the confusion to murder most of the Mhuruuks, and were hailed as heroes by the Dark Dimension, of which they were proclaimed regents; Olnar’s infant son Orini, deemed no threat, was allowed to live under their care. As ruler, Dormammu partially reverted to flaming Faltine form and merged his essence with that of the Dark Dimension’s innate mystic energies, increasing his power enormously.
Powers:He is considered more powerful than Lucifer, Marduk, Mephisto and Satannish and apparently served as the creator of the latter. Dormammu is of sufficient skill and might to tamper with the spells of Odin against his will, as the Lord of the Dark Dimension did once to revert Thor back to his mortal guise. Dormammu had sufficient magical power to hold his own against clashes with Agamotto (a spawn of one of Earth's Elder Godswith power enough to stalemate Galactus) when the latter served as the Marvel Universe's first Sorcerer Supreme, even aided by an alien disciple; even today the Vishanti regard him as their prime enemy and that of the Sorcerer Supreme's. As a representative of Lord Chaos, Dormammu also held the upper hand in a formal game of cosmic chess against Odin, who was representing Master Order, but it ultimately ended in a draw as Odin wished. According to Loki, Odin speaks of Dormammu as an equal, whereas Dormammu consider Odin as an inferior. He has even dared to directly challenge a manifestation form of Eternity itself, and in one case even overcame it. Dormammu even claims that he will destroy the Celestials, burning them in the Flames of the Faltine. However, there are still limits to his might. For example, the demon known as Zom has been referred to as more powerful than his sister Umar, and thus possibly himself (although his power has increased greatly on a few occasions since then); and after he had effortlessly defeated all the Avengers and Defenders combined, including Thor and Doctor Strange, the Scarlet Witch (a being with enough power to generate alternate realities and permanently shift the nature of the entire Marvel Multiverse) used a hex on the Evil Eye of Avalon, to make it absorb the overconfident and distracted Dormammu.
From Strange’s lone duels with the fallen Faltinian being to his conflicts with him aided by the Defenders and other allies, Dormammu, frequently displays enough power to "ravage a cosmos" and destroy the entire Marvel Universe. Dormammu’s power combined with the magic of the Evil Eye was enough to destroy an entire reality (Earth-616), invading not only Earth, but the Sol system, and the worlds of the Kree, the Skrulls, the Badoon, the Titans, Warlock and other "off-worlders." Dormammu even claims his Flames of the Faltine are powerful enough to enable human sorceresses baptized with them to destroy any undead with a thought, while a thousand separate realities have all fallen to the infection and it is deemed virtually incurable. Dormammu's full powers combined with those of Umar's were enough to overwhelm Eternity and actually tap into his powers to alter all of reality itself into one in his own image, Earth-5113.
Sorcery over the Flames of the Faltine: Dormammu is composed of pure mystic energy, eclipsing even the greatest of sorcerers in terms of raw power and the ability to manipulate the forces of magic, including Doctor Strange and the Ancient One. Dormammu is virtually indestructible and immortal due to his energy form composed of raw magical energy which is increased and replenished, at least partially, by worship throughout various dimensions. Dormammu has also shown himself capable of besting wielders of the Phoenix Force.
Banishment: Dormammu can banish all from his domain (the Dark-Dimension) but usually opts to fight them. Dormammu once was capable, even in earth's dimension, where his powers decrease, of imprisoning the Elder Goddess Gaea at the center of the Earth; it took Clea, adept apprentice of the Sorcerer Supreme using a complex spell fueled by the combined power of Zom and Oshtur to release Gaea from Dormammu's magic, and it took Gaea the joined force of all the spiritual essences of the Earth's living beings to banish him.
Superhuman Strength: Dormammu possesses some degree of superhuman strength. He is capable of using his magical powers to augment his strength, enabling him to lift well in excess of 100 tons.
Astral Projection: Among many of his powers, he is capable of inter-dimensional, and near limitless astral projection.
Matter Transmutations: The ability to alter and shape object in his Dark Dimension to a weapon of his choosing.
Inter-dimensional Teleportation/Transportation: Creating portal allows him to view and/or step both within or between other dimensions, as well allowing to transport power and object through them.
High-Speed Flight: Dormammu can use his mystical energy to enable himself to fly at supersonic speeds.
Transformations: Compose of mystical energy allows him the ability to manipulate himself with relative ease changing his appearance and his size as to cause massive growth.
Elemental Control: Dormammu can call on the elements to do his bidding.
Time Travel: Though capable of this it seems to drain Dormammu of his powers causing him to not use it.
Energy Projection: Manifestations ranging from force bolts and cursed conflagrations to magically-constructed beings, or empowering others to such a point that the empowered one wields power dwarfing even that of a dimension's Sorcerer Supreme.
Energy Absorption: He can draw upon the power of the entire Dark Dimension, but is somewhat more limited when present in another dimension.
Resurrection: Parker Robbins has recently used the powers of Dormammu to resurrect the villains that were killed by Scourge of the Underworld (Basilisk I, Bird-Man II, Black Abbot, Blue Streak I, Cheetah,Cyclone I, Death Adder, Hijacker, Human Fly, Letha, Megatak, Mind-Wave, Miracle Man, Mirage, Titania I, and Wraith I) to form a squad that would help him take down the Punisher.
Trained in an extra-dimensional fighting style, Dormammu is a capable hand-to-hand combatant, but was once bested by the well-trained, in Martial Arts, human Doctor Strange when neither was using mystic powers.
Strength level:Strength, speed, and stamina, which he can directly empower to levels shown capable of outmatching a slightly angered Hulk, or by growing to gigantic size. His chief resources are his tremendous magical powers and considerable intellect.
Dormammu's magical powers are stated and shown to be weakened when on Earth or in any other dimension not of his own, failing to pierce Earth-616's dimensional boundaries directly from the Dark Dimension when they were secured by the spells of the Sorcerer Supreme; even a temporary dimensional aperture with other dimensions has been shown to weaken him, sapping his mystic prowess sufficiently that the Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth dimension has been able to rival him in direct magical combat.
Despite Dormammu's enormous power, Nico Minoru's mystical Staff of One has been claimed by the dark wizards the Minorus of the Gibborim-formed Pride to be capable of making him tremble.
Alias:John Sublime
Occupation:Director of Weapon Plus, Director of Megacorp
Height:5' 8" (Host)
Weight:162 lbs (73 kg) (Host)
Eye color:Blue (Host)
Hair color:Black (Host)
Sublime was the self-appointed name of a sentient bacterial lifeform that arose during the beginnings of life on Earth. With the rise of multicellular lifeforms, Sublime found endless numbers of hosts it could infect. However, mutantkind, immune to Sublime's infection, eventually arose and multiplied, becoming the first threat to Sublime's domination.
It was hinted that the very hatred and fear of mutants was caused by Sublime itself. But the bacteria took more direct actions in order to ensure that mutant population would be held in check, if not exterminated, in order to keep it from becoming the dominant species of the planet.
The first step was the Weapon Plus Project, Sublime took over a human body, dubbed Dr. John Sublime, and became the director of the Program, overseeing the creation of living weapons created by each installation of the program, from Captain America(Weapon I) to the Super-Sentinels - Fantomex, Huntsman andUltimaton (Weapon XIII, Weapon XII and Weapon XV), passing through Nuke, Wolverine, and Deadpool, the latter two originating in the Weapon X Project, seemingly the most prolific living weapons producer.
Although Xorn was rescued by the X-Men, he was actually a mole. Xorn, who was revealed to apparently be Magneto, became addicted to the drug Kick (which was actually Sublime's bacterial body in concentrated doses high-enough to finally enable the infection and possession of a mutant). Xorn dealt the drug toQuentin Quire, thus placing Quire under Sublime's influence, which would cause the Open Day Riots made by the Omega Gang, and which led to the death of Sophie of the Stepford Cuckoos and Dummy, the bodiless, gaseous-form student of Xorn.
Meanwhile, Sublime and the U-Men spread their influence to New York City, where they kidnapped the telepath Martha Johansson, harvested her still-living brain, and used it as a weapon against the X-Men. Johansson resisted, and forced Sublime to fall from Emma Frost's grip to his apparent death. The Sublime organism survived, regenerated its host body, and returned to actively overseeing Weapon Plus, as always, from the shadows.
Powers:Possession:Sublime can possess the body of most any known biotic organism. By dividing his own bacterial substance and transfusing it into any number of individual host forms he can achieve numerous potent effects being a living germ.
Mental Manipulation: He can perform mass mind control on multiple hosts at once. Being able to not only control an individuals mind and body but also manipulate their emotions as well as their personalities e.i. increase aggression, shifting mannerisms.
Biokinesis: being a sentient living bacteria the Sublime entity can, as a whole manipulate the very cellular and genetic structure of whomever or whatever organic entities their host too.
Shapeshifting: Sublime's also capable manipulating his bacterial substance to alter their hosts very appearance to his liking.[4] not unlike how Sinister or Courier are able to accomplish.
Regenerative Healing factor: As being attuned with each hosts biological matter sublime is more than capable of healing any physiological trauma to their host body within moments. When Sublime is in his true firm, it can regenerate from any potential damage to his very systems.
Power Enhancement: Another genetic practice shown via the use of it's aerosol form of kick, Not only allows Sublime to Overshadow even mutant hosts but perform any number of power enhancements on those possessed.
Name:Selene Gallio
Alias:Demon Huntress, Lady Selene, Moon Goddess,Black Queen
Education:Self-taught over centurie
Height:5' 10"
Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)
Eye color:Brown Red (using power)
Hair color:Black
"Through all the centuries... I've never had anyone track me -- when I didn't want them to. Unfortunately, you won't be alive long enough to share what you've learned..."
-- Selene
Selene was born 17,000 years ago in central Europe, "After the Oceans swallowedAtlantis" and "Before the rise of the sons of Aryas". Selene's mother was young when she bore her, but would be dead before Selene spoke her first words. The tribal elders ordered her mother's people to sacrifice themselves to Selene until none remained. They thus gave her sustenance and her name.
In New York, Selene happened upon Rachel Summers when sensing her immense power. She attempted to drain her life-force, but was prevented by the X-Men. Soon after, Selene became interested in the Hellfire Club and tried to join its Inner Circle. Sensing Rachel Summers and Magma nearby, she defeated them and offered them as gifts to the Club. While the adolescents were rescued by the X-Men, Selene was admitted and given the position of Black Queen.
When Kulan Gath transformed all of Manhattan into a Hyborian Age land, Selene was unaffected by the dark sorcerer's spell. It was revealed that she was an old enemy of Gath: the two had feuded long ago during the actual Hyborian Age. Selene's spells caused Storm and Callisto to remember Gath was an enemy, eventually leading to his defeat.
she has collected all the deceased mutants in the world and claim their souls, Selene gathered mutants with deadly abilities, including Wither, Senyaka, Blink, Mortis, and of course Eliphas. They traveled around the world, reanimating long dead friends and foes of the X-Men, before journeying finally to Genosha, where 16 million mutants had been killed by Wild Sentinels sent by Cassandra Nova.
Selene sent her reanimated slaves to attack the X-Men on Utopia. While the X-Men were occupied defending themselves from foes and friends long lost, Selene ordered Eliphas to reanimate all the deceased mutants of Genosha; because of M-Day, however, only a million or less of the 16 million mutants on Genosha had retained their abilities.
With a million mutant souls ready to be offered to her, she sent her Inner Circle to collect the mystical knife needed to make the ritual work. Selene's Inner Circle attacked Utopia and killed Onyxx, Diamond Lil and Meld. They managed to return with the knife and capture Warpath in the process. As Selene commanded her Inner Circle to prepare the ritual, X-Force arrived at Genosha and tried to stop the ritual, but they were too late to prevent Selene absorbing the reanimated souls of a million mutants and ascending to godhood.
During her ascension, X-Force attacked her Inner Circle, killing Senyaka and Wither (Eliphas had been killed by Selene earlier). Selene, now a goddess, was then alone against X-Force, and Warpath managed to stab Selene in the heart with the same knife used to perform the ritual. Selene exploded, and it is presumed that she died.
It was later revealed that Selene's body and soul had been preserved as airborne particles and somehow stored in stasis in a vault located somewhere in New York City. Lady Deathstrike and the Enchantress Amora gained access to the vault, and through the newly enhanced magic granted to her by the sentient virus, Arkea, she was able to fully restore Selene to physical life for the purpose of adding her to the newly-formed Sisterhood of Mutants.
Powers:Life-Force Absorption: by psionically draining the life forces of other human beings into herself, by physical touch. If she drained a person’s entire life force from him or her, the victim dies and the victim’s body crumbles into dust. It is unknown how often Selene must drain life force from another human in order to survive. It is known, that great expenditure of power causes Selene to age, but she can rejuvenate herself by absorbing more life force. Selene will not age as long as she maintains her supply of absorbed life force.
Psychic Vampire: If Selene drains only part of a victims life force, Selene achieves a measure of psychic control over her victim’s mind. Through unknown means, Selene can cause a human being to become a psychic vampire like herself, but be subordinate to Selene’s own will. She possesses the ability to focus her psychic abilities to be enabled to drain other life forces.
Physical Enhancement: By using the absorbed life energies that sustain her, Selene can enhance her physical strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and durability to superhuman levels.
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Endurance
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Speed: Selene can momentarily move at superhuman speeds of around 175 miles/hour, though this requires a heavy expenditure of energy and can cause her to age rapidly and require more life energy immediately.
Shadow-Morphing: allowing her to dematerialize or use solid tendrils of darkness to manipulate objects.
Astral Projection: Her telepathy is strong enough for her to survive in her astral form.
Telekinesis: her telekinetic abilities gives her complete psionic control over inanimate objects.
Inanimate Disintegration: She can cause inanimate objects in her presence to disintegrate. She cannot, however, rearrange the atomic or molecular structure of matter.
Pyrokinesis: could psionically generate and project intense heat and flame from and around her body or direct it at certain distances. The exact radius remains unknown. She was also able to manipulate flame created from other sources and could magnify their intensity or snuff them. The flames Selene generated could also be illusory in effect; for example, she could focus the power on an object making it appear to be on fire while it was not being damaged by the flames at all. Selene instinctively created a psionic force field about her entire body that protected her from the effects of the heat and flame she created and from other sources as well.
Telepathy:High Order telepath. She is capable of displaying various psionic feats with the minds of others including reading and communicating with thoughts over vast distances.
Psi-Screen: possesses a psychic mental shield to protect her from psychic attacks.
Mental Bolts: can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness. She was even able to temporarily subdue theGrey Hulk with this power before he could fight it off.
Hypnotic Trance: can induce a momentary hypnotic trance state in people around her. Often used along with her speed to create the illusion of teleportation.
Immortal: her aging process is greatly reduced and she can apparently regenerate injured or missing cells from even near-fatal injuries.
Rapid Healing: ability to endure injuries (within unknown limits) without lasting harm or even feeling pain such as knife wounds.
Sorcery: possesses considerable magical abilities, having gained a great deal of mystical knowledge over the millennia. The number of magical effects that she can create has yet to be cataloged, but it is known that she can cast and counteract spells and summon extra-dimensional demons.
Darkforce or Shadow Manipulation: It is seen that she can turn herself into a shadow figure enabling her to blend in.
Strength Level
Selene possesses superhuman strength, enabling her to lift (press) about 8,500 pounds under optimal conditions.
Name:Carmella Unuscione
Height:5' 7"
Weight:135 lbs (61 kg)
Eye color:brown
Hair color:brown
Carmella Unuscione was a member of the second lineup of Acolytes loyal toMagneto under his second-in-command, Exodus. She was one of the more loyal members, exhibiting at times great passion and determination for Magneto's cause. Unuscione and her teammates battled the X-Men,Excalibur , and other super humans on numerous occasions.
Unuscione was one of the few mutant who retained their powers following M-Day. She returned to action as a member of the newest incarnation of the Acolytes as they attacked the X-Mansion. The group attempted to retrieve Destiny's Diaries under Mister Sinister's orders, but were tricked into stealing fake duplicates. During a conflict against the New X-Men, Kitty Pryde, and her former teammate Colossus, Unuscione battled Armor.
Powers:Psionic Exoskeleton: Unuscione is a mutant with the ability to project a field composed of psionic energy around herself. This "exoskeleton", as she calls it, acts as a highly effective body armour, protecting her from most physical damage. She is able to shape her exoskeleton into rudimentary forms, such as a clawed hand or a hammer-like bludgeon with which she can grip or strike with considerable force. It is not known exactly how much damage Unuscione's psionic field can withstand, or how much physical force she can exert, but she has sufficient strength to shield herself and several others in a small escape pod from the heat and friction of reentry into Earth's atmosphere, or to squeeze the air out of a superhumanly strong being's lungs, causing them to fall unconscious.
Bio-electric Charges:Unuscione is also able to generate bio-electric energy charges through her exoskeleton that cause intense pain and a temporary disruption of a living being's neuro-synaptic impulses, resulting in a loss of autonomic body function, basically paralyzing them.
Weaknesses:Unuscione is vulnerable to any force great enough to overcome or destroy her exoskeleton while it is active. Should this happen, the psionic backlash leaves her either stunned or unconscious.